How to Find and Delete Incognito History on Different Devices?
You all must have used the Incognito mode at least once in your life. If you do not, you are missing a great feature that allows you to browse anything on Google privately. That means it does not save any browsing history. However, many people are curious about whether it saves history anywhere in the device. Well, the answer to that is yes, it does save history but not on the device. Furthermore, incognito mode is a powerful feature through which you can access any website privately without saving cookies or identifiable traces. It is important to know that many times cybercriminals revolve around your private browser to attempt a cyberattack. So, it is important to delete incognito history before cybercriminals reach there.
What is Incognito Mode?
Incognito or private browsing mode is a mode that allows you to browse the internet without saving data, history, and cookies. It is helpful for making search activity private. Moreover, incognito mode is different than other browsing modes. In other modes, the search engine already saves your data on its server; however, in incognito mode, it deletes the history as you end the session. The deleted information involves browsing history, visited sites, and cookies.
How to Find and Delete Incognito History on Windows?
If you have not used incognito mode, this is the time to find and clear incognito history in Windows. Let’s walk through the process:
To find Incognito history on Windows:
Open Windows and go to the search bar
Type “Command system” and then click on “Run as Administrator”
Now, add a command by adding “ipconfig /displaydns” to get the incognito history
Detailed information about each visited site will be available on the screen
To delete Incognito history on Windows:
To delete the history, open the command system
Add the command ipconfig /flushdns that clears the DNS in the “Run as Administrator section”
Your incognito history will be successfully deleted
How to Find and Delete Incognito History on Android?
If you are looking for how to delete incognito history on a phone, especially on Android, here is the process. Also, deleting the history on Android is the easiest among all the devices. It’s time to check the process:
To find Incognito history on Android:
You cannot directly find the DNS cache and incognito history. However, you may need to install third-party applications, such as Hoverwatch, KidsGuard, FamiSafe, and more, to access the history. With this application, you can only view the history; it does not allow you to delete it.
To delete Incognito history on Android:
Open Google Chrome on your Android
Now, in the search bar type “chrome://net-internals/#dns”
To delete the history of your incognito search history, click on “Clear Host Cache”
You have successfully deleted incognito history
How to Find and Delete Incognito History on iPhone?
The iPhone users feel safe when it comes to privacy and security, but cybercriminals can attack any of the devices. So, in case you are an iPhone user, be attentive and focus on the process of deleting incognito history. Also, make sure not to click on any suspicious links and cookies that appear on sites.
To find Incognito history on iPhone:
Open the iPhone settings, then search “Safari,” and click on it
Scroll down and click on “Advance”
You will get an option to “Remove all website data”
Your incognito history will appear
To delete Incognito history on iPhone:
Slide down the Control Panel of your iPhone
Turn on “Airplane mode”
Your Wi-Fi, hotspot, mobile data and Bluetooth will automatically turn off
Turn off the “Airplane mode”
You will successfully flush the DNS records
How to Find and Delete Incognito History on macOS?
If you are looking to delete your incognito history from your macOS device. It’s time to check out the process:
To find Incognito history on iPhone:
Open the “Application”, click on utilities, and double-click on the console
Now, type any:mdnsresponder in the search bar
Click on the start button that appears on the screen
Press the back arrow; you will land on the Utilities page
Click on “Terminal”
Enter the sudo killall -INFO mDNSResponder command
Add the password and press “Enter”
To delete Incognito history on iPhone:
Open the “Application”, click on utilities, and double-click on the terminal
Enter the sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder command
Add the password and press “Enter”
Your incognito search history will be successfully deleted
The Last Line
Incognito is a mode available on every device where you can browse privately. However, it is important to know its side effects, too. If you are thinking after using incognito your data is also gone, then you are wrong, my friend, because it saves the data on the server. There are many ways through which you can delete incognito history from any device. In Android and iPhone, the process is easy to handle; however, in Windows and macOS, you have a line of command. Hope this has helped you, so the next time, make sure to delete the history, as it protects you from cyberattacks.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Ques: How do I remove incognito mode?
Ans: If you want to remove incognito mode, make sure to close the incognito tabs.
Ques: Is incognito 100% private?
Ans: Incognito is safe to use until others have access to your device.
Ques: How to permanently disable incognito mode on Android?
Ans: You cannot disable incognito mode permanently from any of your devices.
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